Saturday, March 12, 2011

Less Lazy Code

I finally got around to getting rid of the UI glitches cause by TX in the laser tag host. New version here. Or you can grab the code here.

Yay lazer tag!


Unknown said...

Yahoo Found out today that they have started to port moon for maemo. So I'm going to try and compile your code and get it running in scratchbox. If this works I will be buying an arduino board with bluetooth addon I've seen.

Unknown said...

oops spoke too soon looks like the port was for the older maemo 4 api N900 is maemo 5 back to research

Unknown said...

what about pygtk

Unknown said...

update mono develop 2.6 runs in maemo 5 a nice Russian man made it work. I have it running on a ubuntu virtural machine and a maemo scratch box. can you point me towards a good place to learn to use the monodevelop?

afaucher said...

Not much is required to use it. Just open the project file and hit run and you should be ready to go. Anything that supports .Net (and gtk#) should be able to run the executable. If you are not familiar with C#, Microsoft's MSDN site has the best documention you are going to find.

I would also look at what other people have done to get arduino working with your platform. I hadn't heard of maemo before so I don't know how much help I can be in that regard.

JustinSutcliff said...

With the latest version of arduino (1.0.1 I believe) upon compiling I get this error All I can understand of the error is that there are issues in the library that you provided. I had a similar issue when using an old version of the standard irremote library in another arduino project. To fix this, all I had to do was find the latest irremote update. Unfortunately i dont quite understand how libraries work. This being said, i can simply use the latest irremote library because i think you added some code types to the library. I was wondering if you could try and update the code using the latest irremote library as a base.